Last Sunday Paul asked me if I would trim his hair because it was getting to be a little unruly. He wasn't sure when he would have time to find a new girl and make an appointment. Whitney our hair specialist has since moved and now we have to start all over and find someone else who can read our minds and just know what we want for our hair. We all know that me as a hair cutist as we call them in my family just don't go together, skills, patience and attention to detail are too many of my less than stellar abilities all rolled into one task.
You may be thinking, if you were cutting Paul's hair why are all the pictures of you cutting Addie's hair? While I was outside working on Paul's hair, and yes it turned out fine we didn't have to buzz his head. Addie came out and wanted her hair cut as well. Since I had been trying to get Addie to let me cut her hair for weeks now, I was eager to try.
Addie soon realized that getting your hair cut wasn't as much fun as she had anticipated! She did not like that she had to sit still and could not watch and look around!
Luckily we had plenty of adults to get the job done. One to cut, one to distract/entertain, and one to document! What can I say it takes a village.
Pearl of wisdom, never leave scissors out where just any body can get to them :)