
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cost Benefit Analysis

When This Happens.....

By this innocent looking monster!

It is true sometime as a parent I will on occasion take a long shower as an escape. This week it seems to be happening more often. As a pregnant mother of an active 2 year old it is justifiable, to me at least! I figure if I'm not making into clean clothes before 2 in the afternoon an extra five minutes is well deserved, but Addie seems to think differently. She has been making me pay dearly for those extra 5 minutes of solace. Today it was my magical pumas wand in the toilet and the usual demolition of my bed and surrounding area. 2 days ago it was the closet, and Mom was way too irritated to document that one. She was so proud of herself, and it was all I could do not to yell at her and put her timeout forever. I had been cleaning all morning and well into the afternoon. I had finally hemmed the drapes that have only been dragging the floor since we moved in, cleaned toilets, mopped floors, folded laundry, I was Super Mom that day. So Addie thought that she would help by cleaning the bar that holds up all of Paul's shirts. The step stool in the closet that I use to reach the top shelf was perfect, she could stand on it, take all the shirts off the bar and spray it clean with the squirt bottle. I step out of the shower and into my closet to find something to wear and instead I find Addie standing in the middle of a HUGE pile of clothes squirting the shinny rod that is dripping with water saying "nook Mommy nook, aww kean". At this point it is 4 in the afternoon, I am exhausted and counting the minutes until Paul comes home. Lucky for Addie she is darn cute, I couldn't resist her proud smile and her cute "Ta Da". We cleaned up the mess together, and I explained that the rods in the closet NEVER need to be cleaned (we move to often for that to happen) and then we curled up in the bed and watched Addie TV until Dad came home. I'm not yet ready to give in and forgo my long showers, but I am going to have to get better at out smarting my toddler!

1 comment:

  1. There are many things I have never cleaned that most people do because we move waaayy too often! (Shh, don't tell: I have never cleaned an oven)! The longest we've lived in one place is 6 months. Right now we're in Centerton.
