
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

OK Breathe!

Okay, I'm officially caught up on my blog! It only took all afternoon and 7 posts! I now vow to never ever get 6 weeks behind again. I can't promise that I won't ever get behind, but 6 weeks a bit extreme. So now I am going to go tend to my house and tend to Addie since I have been ignoring her so that I could finish working on this stinkin' blog! I wonder what kind of mess Tornado Addie has created! Oh well it's the price to pay to actually get something accomplished! See you next week and hopefully then I will have something interested to report on.

1 comment:

  1. You are so funny! I love reading what you guys are up to on your (stinkin') blog! Just curious...was your move out West spontaneous? What brought you guys out there?
