Have no worry, you didn't miss anything. It is still January you haven't missed all of Feb, March, and most of April. Paul just happened to get this great idea that he would get my birthday present early this year. The other day while at work he randomly remembered that I have been wanting a Kitchen Aid. When we first got married I joked that I didn't need one until I actually stayed home and cooked dinner. So for the past 2 1/2 years I've been a stay at home Mom and teaching myself how to cook. 28862qqqqqqqqqqqlllllllllllvvttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ;..,.lkkl..mm mkjhgfdssxfgnjjtrew`Addie wanted to tell her side of the story. So back to the story, Saturday afternoon when we came home from the mall, their was a red Kitchen Aid on my front porch. So much for it being addressed Attn: Paul and only Paul NOT JENNY. When the box has a giant picture of a red Kitchen Aid on it know that it was promptly opened and put to good use! And those cookies were extra delicious, if i do say so. Thanks Husband, your the greatest. Next year your should probably not plan so far ahead, you know I'm a good guesser!
Later that evening Addie and Paul were playing before bedtime. It is amazing that she actually feel asleep after all that spinning and flipping around. I'm just glad she likes it and doesn't get motion sick!
I love your stories; you always make me laugh! Love the red Kitchen Aid! I would have to try it out on home-made mashed potatoes.