Wow 5 years. 5 year ago if you would have asked me if I thought I would be in Idaho with kid #2 on the way, I'm sure I would have laughed at the thought. I can't say that a mortgage, 3 states and almost 2 kidlets has been easy, but I can say that I couldn't imagine doing it with anyone other than Paul. Life has taken us for an amazing ride. We have grown up exponentially and continue to grow and learn how to be real life responsible grown ups. For the most part we are still the silly couple completely in love and enjoying the blessings that our family brings us.
Looking back over our past anniversaries we realized that it is a good thing we chose to really celebrate our anniversary back in April while we were in Mexico. Out of the 5 that we have had Paul has been out of town, I've been uncomfortably pregnant (now twice), broke as a joke and I think we went out one year, maybe. So, we decided to break the tradition of blowing off our anniversary and we went out!
you guys better go there one more time before summer is over... they are going out of buisness :(