
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Life at Inotda's

Maybe when we are on vacation we pick up a few bad habits, but really who doesn't. One habit that we aren't taking home is this. Addie has taken over my bed! Not only is she in the middle, but upside down and on top of the covers! Don't even get me started on the crumbs she left for me in the covies!

Bed time is relative at Inotda's swim by day and play by night is our new motto. Addie loves watching all of Inotda's VHS movies, she has even recruited a few friends to join her in her nightly show. Its a good thing Auntie Meli and Gavin are REALLY patient.

When at Inotda's house it isn't all fun and games, we find time to workout. OK more like we play on the workout equipment while drinking a succulent Sonic chiller. But we like to think of it as working out!

Since we have watched classic movies, pretended to work out and frequented Sonic, we are ready to go swimming! Oh and did I mention that we talked Mo Mo's boss into letting her ditch work and come play. You know Pops can be so demanding sometimes, good thing we have Addie Pie to sweet talk him.

After a nice afternoon or all day in the pool, it is time for another classic movie and quick workout! You know a girl has to keep her girlish figure. Sitting on the elliptical counts, right...

Yup you guessed it, more swimming!

An Inotda can't go wrong with swimming, jumping and splashing. Those are all Addie favorites!

This is about as good of a picture of Mom as you are going to get! Sorry no beached whale picture for the blog. I prefer to keep it from the neck up only. Trust me I'm here and bobbing in the pool, a favorite pregnant past time!

What get out! Why would I ever do that! Silly Mom! I have an Inotda, and Auntie Mo Mo, and an Auntie Meli all at my beck and call. This is the life!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I didn't realize you were in Fayetteville! Too bad I missed you guys!
