
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Glad to be Home

Shortly after walking in the door and unloading all of our bags from the car, we realized that we had absolutely nothing to eat in the house. Addie had already expressed that she wanted choket nilk (chocolate milk) and I was craving a giant bowl of cereal. As I unpacked, Paul ran to the store for some much needed milk. Addie wanted to go, but forgot to tell us. So shortly after Paul left Addie came running out with her rain boots and my hat looking for Dad. Luckily she was soon distracted by Dad's golf clubs and happily played until he come home.

The next morning as I am doing the laundry, putting all of our bags away and restoring order to our house, I find Addie in her room thoroughly enjoying all of her long lost toys. Trust me that was just the beginning of Addie getting reacquainted with her toys!

We left the heat and humidity of Arkansas and came home to the dry warmth of Idaho. Not exactly like Inotda or Pop's pools, but we were excited to get our little pool up and running.

Someone else was excited about her swimming oasis. As I contently watched Addie play in her pool. She decided that I needed to get in with her. Addie and I have been struggling lately with who is really the boss. After Mooshing me out of my chair, she demanded that I get in with her. She looked right at me as seriously as she could and went "one" and held up one finger, then said "two". It was all I could do not to laugh. You gotta give the girl credit, she knows what she wants and finds a way to make it happen.

Now that we are home, unpacked and rested we can start exploring what Boise has to offer has for summer fun!

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