For example, I started this wreath months ago, it ended up being a lot more work than I had anticipated, so it got put in the guest room with all my other unfinished projects. This past week I realized that once baby cakes is born we are going to have all kinds of visitors, thus I needed to work on the guest/craft mess of a room. Begrudgingly I broke out the scissors, finished the wreath, and then started on all the mending and sewing that I had procrastinated. Table clothes, baby blanket and drapes are all completed. Now I just need to organize the closet in the guest room and then it will ready for company.
Did I mention that I have already gone through baby clothes and baby stuff. It is true, I pulled out all of my newborn baby stuff and organized it in our closet. I figured I needed to know what I had in order to know what I still needed. I even have the diapers, I swear I am out of control! But at least I know that when the last couple of weeks are here and I am miserable, I won't be digging in the garage for all my baby crap! Well that is what I tell myself so that I don't feel like a crazy mad woman. I'm all but ready to set up the crib, but I'm afraid that Paul will give me that "Wifey" look. He knows that he married a crazy lady, but I don't need to make it obvious.