
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Warmer Days

I think that the stars might just be aligning after several weeks of exhaustion.  After years of wishing we had a place to put a basketball hoop, we finally do! Who would have thought that something as simple as a basketball goal would make a grown man so happy.
 I must say that I have really been enjoying the warmer weather.  We might not have the awesome pool down the street like in Utah, but we have our little pool up in the backyard. Owen was not thrilled to be wearing Avery's hat, but we misplaced his :(
 This move has made these two become the best/worst of friends.  Lucky for me they are BFFs today.
 You know what warmer weather mean, right.  Jammin' out and cruising in the jeep with the top off!  Nothing screams stuff dude like singing Frozen soundtrack at the top of your lungs.
 Avery and her sunscreen.  You know when you are a vampire or have 1/2 Stutte DNA sunscreen is very important.  This summer we may be paler than usual, but at least we will be having a good time.

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