
Monday, April 9, 2012

Hoppy Easter

Spring is here! My flowers are blooming, the snakes are out and the bug are buzzing.  Ahhh life by the lake, the things they forget to tell you!
 Addie is determined to ride her bike without training wheels.  Her cousin Tate has mastered bike riding and now Addie wants to be big!  Dad thought he should show how its done!
 Grandma taught Addie a thing or two about dying eggs.  Addie was so amazed she couldn't bear to take her eyes off the eggs!
 Avery on the other hand was all mischief!  Take your eyes off her and she is throwing eggs into the dye, mixing colors and pretty much making a mess!
 Cousins! We love Cousins!  
 This year I was nominated to host the Hannant Family Easter Dinner!  I guess I had to eventually so I had a good run while it lasted.  Almost 7 years without hosting a holiday, not too shabby!
 Have no worries the Easter Bunny didn't forget about us! He slipped in just before bedtime!  
 Avery hadn't been feeling so great and ended up sleeping all afternoon, and then we had a house full of family.  We were beginning to think we scared the Easter Bunny off!  
We are blessed and grateful for the opportunity to celebrate Christ our Savior and lucky enough to have our family join in the celebration.

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