
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Swimming in April

Ready set Swim!
 Hello heated pool, Oh how we love you!  
 We might have a lot of blue hairs on the neighborhood, but oh how it is worth it to have this bad boy just down the street!
 Its official! I have to little fish! 
 Sunshine, swimming pool, heaven on Earth!
 2 Peas in a Pod!  We might not have had a lot of sunny days, but when we did we showed Inonna how fun it can be in Utah!

Just Hangin' with Inonna

Just because we aren't at the pool doesn't mean you have to put away your floaty!
 The girls found my shoes and they love them!  Maybe by the time they grow into them they will be able to walk in them better than me!
 Yay for sunshine! We love to shop on sunny afternoons!
 A fun day shopping at City Creek with Inonna!
 Its a good thing Mom anticipated the Amazing Fountain of Fun! 
 Dry clothes and a walk across the street! Beautiful Temple Square!  The flowers were amazing!
 But not even the Temple can make this little one happy! 
 Sad one minute Happy the next!  That's how our Avery rolls! We should have stopped while we were ahead.  But all in all we had a wonderful day downtown!  We found treasures at City Creek, walked around Temple Square and played in the Amazing Fountain of fun.

Never a Bad Day at the Zoo

Addie is practicing her ROAR!  She is ready to see some wild animals!
 Avery is still trying to figure out what those Monkeys are doing!
 Addie found a new friend! 
 Time Out! Just a short break while it hailed!  After a 15 minutes the hail storm passed and we were able to get back to the animals!
 Addie's roar wouldn't wake this tiger! I guess big cats need lots of cat naps, he wouldn't wake not even for a cute girl!
 By the time we made it up the hill to the giraffes, Avery was ready to go!  She was less than intrigued, unlike her big sister and Dad.
 Those 2 are easily entertained, it doesn't take much to keep them happy!
 I would have to say that we we had a successful day at the zoo! There weren't a lot of people so we get up close and personal with the animals, and let the girls run around.  So what if we had a little hail, it was still a great day!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Hoppy Easter

Spring is here! My flowers are blooming, the snakes are out and the bug are buzzing.  Ahhh life by the lake, the things they forget to tell you!
 Addie is determined to ride her bike without training wheels.  Her cousin Tate has mastered bike riding and now Addie wants to be big!  Dad thought he should show how its done!
 Grandma taught Addie a thing or two about dying eggs.  Addie was so amazed she couldn't bear to take her eyes off the eggs!
 Avery on the other hand was all mischief!  Take your eyes off her and she is throwing eggs into the dye, mixing colors and pretty much making a mess!
 Cousins! We love Cousins!  
 This year I was nominated to host the Hannant Family Easter Dinner!  I guess I had to eventually so I had a good run while it lasted.  Almost 7 years without hosting a holiday, not too shabby!
 Have no worries the Easter Bunny didn't forget about us! He slipped in just before bedtime!  
 Avery hadn't been feeling so great and ended up sleeping all afternoon, and then we had a house full of family.  We were beginning to think we scared the Easter Bunny off!  
We are blessed and grateful for the opportunity to celebrate Christ our Savior and lucky enough to have our family join in the celebration.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Not so Healthy!

 The day started like any other.  The sun was shinning it was a beautiful  we had super hero's riding down hills all seemed to be great!
Little did we know that the runny nose and occasional cough from sweet Avery would turn into something more!  It is hard to see the sweet face of Avery Mae be less than healthy!
Avery came in from playing with her cousins wheezing and coughing. So I assumed it was allergies and gave her some medicine. But I was wrong! By morning she hadn't improved.  She had a fever and each breath was more of a wheeze.  So off I went to find her a Doctor.

 Lucky for us we have a great pediatrician just down the street and he was able to squeeze her in! After 2 breathing treatments and some medicine we were able to go home!  
 The Croup seems to be taking a tole on our little munchie. 
Addie had fun at her cousin's house while we spent the morning at the Doctors office!
It is funny how she didn't want anything to do with the mask when it was hooked up to the machine.  She even tried giving it back to the nurse, but when she sees Addie playing with it, She all of the sudden needs her dinosaur mask! 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Are We In Kansas

When the winds blows, houses will move!  I knew their would be a breeze, but I never thought that it would be this crazy!  Believe it or not that house used to be in our back yard! The wind here causes crazy things to go crazy around here.  Houses fly, chimney covers fly off and gates swing back and forth! 
 While the wind destroys our backyard and throws our stuff about we kick back and relax! We can't wait for Dad to come home!