
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Happy Hannants of July

This year we celebrated more than just the 4th of July! We were excited to celebrated Jacob's choice to be baptized. And the Hannants flooded Idaho with all their fury.
Dave and Jod rented the pavilion at Eagle Island on July 4th so that we could have an area big enough for all of us! Good thing, cause their are a lot of us>
Double Trouble! Abby and Addie were so excited about the different floaty options. We had to keep reminding them that not all the floaties were ours! They kept borrowing them off of the beach.
Grandma couldn't even resist a good floaty! The girls signed Grandma up to be their personal chauffeur. The Pink Express Shuttle Service.
To wrap up a fun fun day, of sand, water, burgers and cousins we gathered for our own could-a-sac of fire.
Dad tries to teach Addie the joys of Roman Candles. Maybe next year she will like them better next year. She thought that they were a little to smokey and wasn't a huge fan!
Addie much preffered the view from the safety of Kinley, and I can't blame her!
Yeah for Fireworks! We love them, from a safe distance with a great view!

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