Who can resist the egg spinner! We know the Beddes's couldn't!
It has been a rough weekend for the Hannant Family, but we didn't let it stop us from having fun. A door ran into Addie and picked a fight. Sadly she lost, Avery started teething and has been miserable.
And yet, we still managed to throw in a few smiles. The door was smart, it hit the bruises under her chin and in her eyelid. Sneaky door.
Addie was a little confused at first, we put the eggs and the baskets out for the Easter Bunny, and we checked on them and they were gone!
This year was the first time that we had Easter at home. For the first time ever I made Easter Dinner, I even made deviled eggs. Trust me that in itself is amazing since we only had a couple hours of sleep the night before. Avery wanted to let the entire neighborhood know that she was uncomfortable.
Confessions of a seriously sleep deprived Mom, first off for the next 10 days I will have to make up for my non-christian behavior of a very important christian holiday. 1) I admit to drugging my child with Benedryl in an attempt to get a little sleep. (didn't work) 2) Didn't even make it to Easter Sunday Church 3) Went to Wal-greens in Easter Sunday. Whew I feel better with that off my chest. Now I will work on being more Christlike since I can't even manage to be religious on the one Sunday that symbolized the Savior's Atonement.
I will say that Addie is a little more than confused about Jesus and the Easter Bunny, it is kinda a lot for a 3 year to take in.