
Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Not so Healthy!

 The day started like any other.  The sun was shinning it was a beautiful  we had super hero's riding down hills all seemed to be great!
Little did we know that the runny nose and occasional cough from sweet Avery would turn into something more!  It is hard to see the sweet face of Avery Mae be less than healthy!
Avery came in from playing with her cousins wheezing and coughing. So I assumed it was allergies and gave her some medicine. But I was wrong! By morning she hadn't improved.  She had a fever and each breath was more of a wheeze.  So off I went to find her a Doctor.

 Lucky for us we have a great pediatrician just down the street and he was able to squeeze her in! After 2 breathing treatments and some medicine we were able to go home!  
 The Croup seems to be taking a tole on our little munchie. 
Addie had fun at her cousin's house while we spent the morning at the Doctors office!
It is funny how she didn't want anything to do with the mask when it was hooked up to the machine.  She even tried giving it back to the nurse, but when she sees Addie playing with it, She all of the sudden needs her dinosaur mask! 

1 comment:

  1. Sad. Glad you took her to the dr. I had to do that a couple times with Jacob. He didn't get a dinosaur though. :) Hope she's feeling better.
